Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Bliss List

- HooPizazz!
- sore muscles
- surprise birthday packages
- far-away friends
- unwavering belief that God will turn things around for the better
- dedicated blog readers and students (thank you for making me a better person...)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Bliss List

- Hip Tranquil Chick by Kimberly Wilson
- progress
- restored power (from blackout)
- Eskimo kisses
- purposeful intentions

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Bliss List

- a healthy, happy, and whole child in body, mind, and spirit
- warm weather
- a patient hubby
- inspiration
- kindness

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Bliss List

- savoring simplicity
- learning to listen
- quiet time
- deep, hearty belly-laughs from my little guy
- family "fort night"

Muah! :*

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Bliss List

- new students
- unexpected compliments
- new hoops
- productivitysnores from my little guy
- intention setting

muah! :*

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Bliss List - 4.16.09

- HooPizazz!! :)
- watching students learn and "get" a new move
- balloons @ bedtime
- the unconditional love from a puggle pup
- hooping outside again (finally!)
- KbB Hoopdance calendar filling up
- kind and generous friends

My Bliss List

- bubble mowers
- blizzards
- soreness from a great workout
- aerial yoga
- my "girl crush"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Bliss List

- hanging out with my "little" brother (he's 6ft.)
- having enough
- my "B"

muah :*

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Bliss List

- new friends in far-away lands (Texas, Iowa, etc.)
- full hoop classes
- productivity
- on-the-horizon opportunities
- play forts and flashlights
- hoop breaks

muah :*