Thursday, August 21, 2008


First, I would like to start off by saying that tonight's yoga class was the "ultimate smooch"!!! I mean a heart-pounding, mind-bending, shape shifting, body morphing lip lock that can only be imitated but never duplicated outside of the studio walls. I froze, melted, meshed, and mingled all within the time frame of 75 minutes. I met parts of my body I never knew existed and I warmly greeted the ones that showed up today to usher me along in my process.

Today I listened to my body and attended a Level 1 yoga class, and was pleasantly surprised that it was a lot more challenging than I had believed it to be. The most challenging aspect of this particular class was the mantra stated during our time for stating intentions:

I have enough

I have more than enough

I have so much I want to give it away

I can only keep what I have by giving it away

I was completely floored by these simple statements because they are so true on a very basic level. There is no tricky word play, no read between the lines; it just is. Before tonight, my "enough" was in direct correlation to "stuff". Not a day would pass without me saying, "I don't have enough________." (Fill in the blank with: money, clothes, gadgets, jewelry, etc.) My first thoughts were never "abundance", "plenty", "more than I need", but that is how I should be thinking. Getting wrapped up in the material aspect of life is hard to escape. Everywhere you look, there's an ad/commerical for a new this and/or a new that, and if that wasn't enough, there are now multiple types of the same product to choose from. It's a wonder why we feel that we never have enough. It seems as if our world is ruled by tangible items that we never needed until we saw them and then couldn't live without them.

When I look at my life (the most important aspects of it) I realize that I have "enough". I have enough love, support, time, endurance, energy, patience, etc. Having enough of these things increases my self-worth and productivity which in turn makes me want to do more for and give to others. Just like the phrase, "you get what you give", in order for me to continue to have enough, I must unselfishly give these intangible gifts to my family, friends, co-workers, clients, and strangers so that they may in turn give them to others. In the very end, all of the gifts that I have given away will at one time or another return like boomerangs, ready to be thrown out into the world again.

Muah! ;*

My Bliss List

~ the euphoric head-to-toe feeling after a mind/body morphing yoga class

~ music boxes and night lights

~ guardian angels

~ peanut butter cookies with "just a little bit " of butter ;)