Monday, August 18, 2008

What Is Bliss?

Bliss is defined as extreme happiness; ecstacy and the ecstacy of salvation; spiritual joy. The definitions of this word are pretty straightforward and to the point without the need of explainations, but how a person achieves bliss is a completely different story. In the past, I have searched high and low for this so-called bliss and have found materialistic happiness through retail therapy, glee, giddyness, and fleeting bouts of whimsy which have all led me back to the same place - despair and depression.

Finally fed up with the darkness, I am looking to the light in a completely different light. In this new journey, I am keeping an open mind, finding my creativity through a myriad of outlets, and exploring the good in every day. In the past month, I have found that input affects output. When I input good food (whole grains, fresh fruits/veggies, lean meat), good intentions, good movement (hooping, yoga, playing), and good information (hip tranquil chick, girl seeks bliss, the red book), my output is amazing and I feel as though I am able to take on the world wearing my rose colored sunglasses.

I was kissed by bliss and I think I'm in love.