Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Expectations are things I am trying to release from my daily life. I am finding out that when I expect things to happen a certain way and they end up going awry, I am left broken hearted, upset, and sometimes angry. I don't necessarily like any one of those emotions, but I know they are crucial to human existence. Things I expect, but know won't always happen:

~ my son to sleep until at least 7:45 am
~ fellow drivers to let me "get over" or change lanes
~ to have a good therapy session when I have planned for it
~ for someone to return my greeting when I say "hello"
~ for someone to catch the door when I hold it open for them instead of just walking through
The list could go on, but I think I have made my point.

My Lesson in Expectations
Today is Tuesday and on that one day a week, I attend yoga at a center close to my job. I look forward to the class because I have a wonderful teacher, great classmates, and even greater music. I also look forward to the release of stress that has built up over the week and as an added bonus, after class, we all get together and hoop in the parking lot behind the center! Well, as you can see, Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week and with all of the fun, stress-relieving activities, I guess you can say that I expect to be able to attend. After all, it's only one day a week. Alas, today was not that day. To make a longer story short, hubby had a meeting, mom had a wedding rehearsal, and there was no one able to watch my little one, except for me. Because I am in the process of releasing expectations, I did not let the disappointment take me over. I just scheduled to go another day during the week and decided I would forgo the community hooping and would hoop when I got home after the baby went to sleep. When I let go and let it be, I instantly felt lighter and my slowly-turning-gray cloud disappeared to let the sun shine bright upon me. If that wasn't enough, out of the blue, my teacher sent a text to let me know that there would be no hooping tonight and that it would be postponed till the weekend!! I could still attend yoga for the week and have my community hooping too!! I felt as if the Powers that Be saw my efforts, discussed my reward, and surprised me with...
a kiss. ;*

My Bliss List
- the wake up call/cries from my son to deliver me from a horrible dream
- banana chocolates from Starbucks
- eye contact from a child with autism
- glow-in-the-dark hoop tape