I must admit, today was a good day. It started with me not wanting to wake up to do my morning Turbo Jam, Cardio Party 1, but I talked myself into it by saying that I would keep it low impact. Lo and behold, once I got going, I fired myself right on up and kicked it into high gear! I ended up burning almost 400 calories, so I was happy with that. I then did my morning card reading and what I pulled is pictured above. According to Lucy Cavendish and the Oracle Tarot, cards that are reversed symbolize a block in a specific area of one's life. This block relates to the "pursuit of my career dreams". The 5 of Wands indicates a kind of challenge that may be overt or undercover. This card is telling me that I am beating my head against a wall trying to change the ways of the higher ups. I know the way things should be, but trying to make others see that is a totally different story. This card is advising me to stop bitching and moaning about the situation, take some time out to think about a solution, and then not boast with a finger-wagging "I told you so!"
At this point in time, I work for a contract company and am paid an hourly wage. All of that is just fine, but our time is broken down into billable and non-billable hours vs. getting paid for hours on site. For example, instead of getting paid for a 9 hour day (10-7), I get paid by the number of clients I see/don't see. For a further example, I was onsite for 9 hours today, but will only get paid for 8 because I saw 5, 1 no-called/no-showed, and 2 canceled. The other hour of my time will get farted away into the wind because we can't double bill (claiming a cancel/no show and doing paperwork; has to be either or) and we can no longer claim consultation time, filing, phone calls, scheduling, etc. The consumer company only pays my contract company for direct treatment hours/paperwork. Everything else is considered indirect/non-billable hours. It's really sad that in order to be compensated for a 15 min. conversation with a co-worker about a client, I need an authorization. Is this what things have come to? Anyway, my co-workers and I practically have a non-billable round table, every Thursday, on how unfair and unreasonable this system is. My co-worker was onsite for roughly 7 hours today, but will only get paid for 5; she will have to make up the time elsewhere because she is full-time and they have to have so many hours per pay period to qualify for benefits. Suckity-suck sucks, right!
The guidance handed down to me today let me know that there are obstacles surrounding my career happiness, and until I am willing to come up with some brilliant plan, things will continue this way. Right now, I like the consumer company that I work for, enjoy what I do, and get along with the people; I just dislike the way we are paid. I think my final solution would be to look/apply for a new job, but I'm just not there yet. I am fresh off the boat and am building my experience. I will take off and shine in due time.
On a much lighter note, today I received thoughtful gifts from my clients for Christmas. It makes my heart all warm and mushy to be appreciated. Because a couple of the gifts were food related, I shared them with those in the office (one thing about consistent workouts is the hesitation to throw it all away with some bad food choices). One gift, however, was very different and it lightened my mood right up. It's a Precious Moments tissue holder and each side says something different. Reading this tissue box put things into perspective and I was kissed a total of 4 times. Take a look and savor each kiss from "you know who"...
Muah :*

My Bliss List
- my "b"
- credit cards with just enough room to get gas
- cardio party
- great co-workers
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